Payments > $795 - Assoc. Member, Train Trainer, ALL Material
$795   - Assoc. Member, Train Trainer, ALL Material

The product you selected is currently unavailable.
Orig. Price: $999.00
Sale Price: $795.00
Availability: in stock


ALL Material Access. . . Associate Membership for Nonprofits, Churches, Civic Groups, $795.

• Membership Fee annual from initial payment for 25 hours of time.

• All access is welcome 24/7/365. Visits, Presentations and Assistance as needed.

• Includes feedback and help with your letters, proposals, Thank Yous and your other correspondence.

• Calls, Skype, Zoom, phone conferences and webinars. Coaching and Mentoring as-well-as idea development.

• Help focused on you/your organization or church with Community Impact and capacity-building.

• Coaching and mentoring toward expansion of your community impact and other ministry in your area.

You teach this stuff to groups in your area and YOU KEEP the proceeds! 


If you prefer, please send a check to the address below. Your payment
will be receipted and we will call you to schedule your time and get started
OR send you the product you want. 

Make check payable to "Bob Vickers" and send to
400 West Acorn Street, Gardner, KS 66030

Brief calls/texts to Bob Vickers at (660) 580-0007.