The Webinar schedule is in development--dates will be posted regularly!
"Building Relationship with Funders and Donors"
Key Concepts: grantwriting, fund development, leveraging, gleaning, building relationships
through rejections and approvals.
Target Audience: Faith-Based and Community Groups, nonprofits, churches, schools
including Pastors, executive directors, development personnel, Board Members, volunteers.
Webinar Outcomes:
90-minutes of instruction; 30-minutes of questions;
templates, hundreds of research prospects to approach, referrals to websites,
and much more.
All you need is a phone (call-in and enter passcode) and a computer screen.
Robert J. Vickers, Founder/President of Artful Askers, is offering a live webinar on how to build relationships between doers and donors. The 90-minute webinar is designed for both experienced grant writers and fund-seekers and those with little or no experience. You will learn how to be ready to receive, how to think like donors and understand how they make decisions, how to prepare and present your written information, how to identify funding and resource prospects, and how to interact and build relationships through approval or rejection.
Bob Vickers has been in the nonprofit and fundraising industry for more than 27 years training both doers and donors. He specializes in working with leaders in communities and transferring information to empower faith-based and community organizations with the knowledge, resources, tools, and expertise to access funding and other resources to meet the needs in their communities. He strongly believes that successful relationships require accessing knowledge and understanding of the relational processes that are based on Scripture (but do not use religious words). His life's work has been to develop the processes to a variety of circumstances and relationships and then engage people to learn that knowledge. Having taught more than 24,000 nonprofits and churches and more than 850 donors, Bob has a thorough understanding of the process of philanthropy from both sides!
This workshop requires a Pre-Registration Fee which can be paid through PayPal OR by sending a check or money order. Pre-Registration closes 24 hours prior to the webinar allowing materials to be electronically sent to each participant. After paying the Registration Fee, you will receive a “pass code” to access the live webinar.
If you have questions, please call the facilitator Bob Vickers at (660) 580-0007 C.S.T.
Learn how to:
• Get the tools needed to build stronger community relationships, seek and access
finances/resources, and discover resources to positively impact your community.
• Develop the skill of building relationship between doers and donors.
• Develop positive grantwriting and vision-sharing skills that will assist you in
obtaining funding for faith and community-based collaborative efforts through
simple documents and exchanges.
• Build relationships with foundations, corporations, individuals, churches, and
other funders/supporters.
Who should attend:
• Board Members of any nonprofit (religious or not).
• Nonprofit executives or support staff.
• Pastors, ministry leaders, or religious leaders.
• Workers/Leaders working with senior adults, children and youth, alcohol and
drug programs, crisis pregnancy groups, men/women, prison programs, etc. . .
• ANY other nonprofit leadership team members.
• What are the needs in your community?
This process will empower you to meet those needs.